Previsión de impactos de la autovía de enlace: CN-1 en Aduna (Guipuzcoa) con ...
Metodología de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental aplicada a la construcción de la autopista CN-1. Palabras clave: Evaluación de impacto ambiental, autopista -
Procesos hidrodinámicos en la zona de descarga de los acuíferos costeros
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal investigar diferentes procesos y factores que afectan a la hidrodinámica de la zona de descarga de los acuíferos costeros y en la... -
Heavy metal removal of intermittent acid mine drainage with an open limestone...
This study is focused on the influence of a particular open limestone channel (OLC) on the quality of the surface water drained from an intermittent watercourse. The OLC was... -
A novel way of being together? On the depoliticising effects of attributing r...
The recent trend of attributing rights to nature arguably introduces a novel way of ordering the relationship between humans and nonhumans. But to what extent does it challenge... -
Propuesta de una red representativa de áreas marinas protegidas en el mar de ...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Factors determining roadkills in a mammal carnivore are road type specific.
Carnivores are one of the most affected taxa by roadkill of their high mobility searching for food, mate or territory. We compared 85 polecat roadkills in highways with 73... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Se prospectó una carretera local (C-344 Arcos-El Bosque-Grazalema) y una carretera nacional (N-342 Jérez-Arcos-Bornos; S. España) de manera exhaustiva, además de muestreos menos... -
Road encroachment mediates species occupancy, trait filtering and dissimilari...
Assessing the road effects on biodiversity is challenging because impacts may depend on both wildlife responses to roads and on the spatial arrangement of roads. We questioned... -
Fish effects on benthos and plankton in a Mediterranean salt marsh
Fish predation has an important role structuring benthic and planktonic assemblages in shallow waters. Habitat complexity may mitigate the effect of fish predation, thus... -
Simple tools for assessing water quality and trophic status in transitional w...
In this study we have developed an index for assessing trophic status and water quality in transitional aquatic ecosystems of Southern Europe. The index has been developed from... -
End of the line for the golden lion tamarin? A single road threatens 30 years...
Roads have a myriad of negative effects on biodiversity, ultimately threatening the persistence of populations. In this Perspective we call attention to an extreme example,... -
Ecología del lobo en la Cabrera (León) y la Carballeda (Zamora).
En este trabajo se presentan los datos sobre la ecología de seis lobos radiotrazados estudiados en el norte de Zamora y sur de León (NO de España) entre 1988 y 1990. Se examinan... -
Liming and vegetation favor Fe-mobilization in eutrophic wetland soils affect...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of liming and vegetation on the dynamic of Fe in eutrophic wetland soils affected by mine wastes, under different flooding... -
Atropellaments de fauna al Parc de Collserola.
Atropellaments de fauna al Parc de Collserola. Palabras clave: Sinistralitat amb fauna, Vertebrats -
Landscape and population drivers of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Portugal.
Landscape and population drivers of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Portugal. -
Libro blanco de las carreteras y los espacios naturales protegidos de Andalucía.
Libro blanco de las carreteras y los espacios naturales protegidos de Andalucía. -
Protocolo de caracterización hidromorfológica de masas de agua de la categorí...
Protocolo de caracterización hidromorfológica de masas de agua de la categoría ríos. -
Road alteration of species interactions.
We know little about how roads alter the natural flow of ecosystems and the relationships between its components. Our literature review shows how some interactions have been... -
Movement of pond-breeding amphibians in fragmented landscapes: responses of g...
With the increase of transportation system in the world, roads facilitate opportunities for human social and economic development. Roads are also the primary cause of multiple... -
Deterioration of sediment quality in seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica) in...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR