Atlas de los Paisajes en España
Contiene información de los distintos paisajes españoles y muestra la notable diversidad de estos, formados sobre bases ecológicas y culturales estrechamente relacionadas; las... -
Survival rates and causes of mortality of Testudo graeca hatchlings in southw...
Fifty-nine newly born individuals of Testudo graeca were followed under natural conditions by means of thread-trailing, from august-september until their death, disappearence or... -
Bird flight behavior, collision risk and mitigation options at high-speed rai...
Bird flight behavior, collision risk and mitigation options at high-speed railway viaducts. -
Roads, traffic and verges: big problems and big opportunities for small mammals.
We consider small mammals as shrews and moles, small marsupials, hedgehogs, mice and rats, and other rodents, rabbits, and hares commonly designated as ‘prey species’(ie, those... -
Recuperación de hábitats para la fauna y prevención de impactos.
Recuperación de hábitats para la fauna y prevención de impactos. -
Road-kill hot spots can change over the time, variables explaining them do not.
Road-kill studies are often carried out in a limited timescale. The assumption that their results (hot-spots and variables determining them) are maintained over time is then... -
Does daily movements can predict the genetic structure of small mammal popula...
Roads can constrain movements of individuals and consequently gene flow across landscape. There is a consensus among experts that some species show road surface and width... -
Especies exóticas invasoras: diagnóstico y bases para la prevención y el manejo.
A pesar de que en España se han iniciado alguna estrategias regionales o locales para la prevención y manejo de las especies invasoras, no existe hasta la fecha una estrategia... -
Do roads alter the trophic behavior of the mesocarnivore community living clo...
Roads have impacts on the fauna arising from habitat fragmentation, roadkill and the barrier effect. Furthermore, roads lead species to change their activity with repercussions... -
The effects of small fish presence on a species-poor community dominated by o...
Omnivory is important in determining species interactions and weakening possible trophic cascade effects. The present study is focused on determining if an indirect effect of... -
Wildlife roadkills and underpass use in Northern Spain.
Simultaneous monitoring of wild mammal roadkills and underpass use was conducted for two years along two neighboring highways in Navarre (Northern Spain). The A-15 highway runs... -
Identifying the origin of groundwater samples in a multi-layer aquifer system...
dentification of the origin of groundwater samples is not always possible in complex multilayered aquifers. This poses a major difficulty for a reliable interpretation of... -
Conservación del camaleón (Chamaleo chamaleo) en la Península Ibérica.
Se estudian diversos aspectos realtivos al camaleón (Chamaleo chamaleo) en la Penísnula Ibérica: distribución, legislación, estado de las poblaciones y las principales amenazas... -
Measures applied to mitigate habitat fragmentation in Spain.
The PanEuropean Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity identifies habitat fragmentation as the main cause of biodiversity loss in Europe. The expansion of urban... -
Vegetation structure and prey abundance requirements of the iberian lynx: imp...
Habitat alteration and fragmentation are two of the greatest threats to biodiversity. The conservation of most species in highly encroached areas requires reserves that are... -
The link between roadkills distribution and the surrounding landscape in two ...
A research on wildlife road-kills, mostly medium-sized mammals, has been conducted for two years along two highways (namely A-15 and A-10) in the Euro Siberian area of northwest... -
Mortalidad de vertebrados en el tramo Ourense-Penalba de la CN-120 durante 1989.
Se prospectó a pie y de manera semanal la mortalidad de vertebrados en una nueva carretera nacional en la provincia de Orense (NO España) con el objetivo de valorar el impacto... -
Integración de la carretera en el medio natural - afecciones a los ecosistemas.
Integración de la carretera en el medio natural - afecciones a los ecosistemas. Palabras clave: Ecosistema, Evaluación de impacto ambiental -
Análisis de los accidentes de tráfico provocados por el jabalí (Sus scrofa) e...
Análisis de los accidentes de tráfico provocados por el jabalí (Sus scrofa) en Cataluña. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, Jabalí -
No evidence of a threshold in traffic volume affecting road-kill mortality at...
Previous studies have found that the relationship between wildlife road mortality and traffic volume follows a threshold effect on low traffic volume roads. We aimed at...