Assessing road effects on bats. The role of landscape, road features and bat ...
Recent studies suggest that the damage caused by roads on bats may significantly affect bat populations. However, despite bats being one of the most threatened groups of... -
Breeding bird communities in pine plantations of the Spanish plateaux: biogeo...
Breeding bird communities in pine plantations of the Spanish plateaux: biogeography, landscape and vegetation effects. Palabras clave: Bird, Community, Coniferous woodland, Forest -
Expansion of alien invasive plants along the roadside: a remote sensing appro...
Invasions by alien species are among the most important threats to biodiversity, ecosystems and human well-being. The extent of their negative impacts demands a considerable... -
Atropellos de animales en carreteras del sureste de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Mortalidad de vertebrados en carreteras del SE de la provincia de Madrid. Las carreteras visitadas atravesaban zonas rurales e industriales. Las frecuencias de las distintas... -
Herpetofauna and roads: a review.
Roads and traffic are tightly related to some of the mains threats for biodiversity. Road network affects wildlife populations due to, among other effects, partial occupation... -
Apoyo técnico a la gestión sostenible del medio marino. Informe regional 2010.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Patterns of carnivore road casualties in Southern Portugal.
We examined spatial patterns of carnivore casualties by counting the number of animals killed on 574 km of national roads and highways in southern Portugal. We surveyed six... -
Analysis and management of current road traffic noise.
Road traffic noise is one of the major environmental pollutants in cities around the world that continues to increase over the years despite the implementation of regulatory... -
Influencia de la fragmentación forestal sobre las comunidades de carnívoros d...
Influencia de la fragmentación forestal sobre las comunidades de carnívoros de la Meseta. Palabras clave: Comunidad, Bosque, Fragmentación, Mamíferos -
Training manual for seagrass monitoring and management in the RAM- PAO member...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Los pasos canadienses: trampas mortales para los anfibios.
Los pasos canadienses: trampas mortales para los anfibios. Palabras clave: Anfibios, Mortalidad -
Evidence of microplastics in water and commercial fish from a high-altitude m...
Microplastic pollution is a widespread environmental concern. Like other anthro-pogenic pollutants, microplastics can reach aquatic ecosystems through rivers and interact with... -
Seasonal and interannual occupation of a forest archipelago by insectivorous ...
Seasonal and interannual occupation of a forest archipelago by insectivorous passerines. Palabras clave: Bird, Forest, Fragmentation, Vertebrate -
Height of the road embankment affects probability of traffic collision by birds.
Height of the road embankment affects probability of traffic collision by birds. Palabras clave: Bird, Collision, Embankment, Mortality -
Prescripciones técnicas para el seguimiento y evaluación de la efectividad de...
Prescripciones técnicas para el seguimiento y evaluación de la efectividad de las medidas correctoras del efecto barrera de las infraestructuras de transporte. -
Diversidad de angiospermas marinas en la bahía de Cádiz: redescubriendo a Zos...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Evaluating factors affecting amphibian mortality on roads: the case of the Co...
Evaluating factors affecting amphibian mortality on roads: the case of the Common Toad, Bufo bufo, near a breeding place.—The Common Toad Bufo bufo is the amphibian with the... -
Identificación de áreas a desfragmentar para reducir los impactos de las infr...
Identificación de áreas a desfragmentar para reducir los impactos de las infraestructuras lineales de transporte en la biodiversidad. Palabras clave: Fragmentación, Hábitat -
Environmental assessment of pig slurry management after local characterizatio...
Due to its environmental impact, pig slurry management is of great importance in the Region of Murcia, Spain, where pig production is considerable. The current slurry management... -
Directiva INSPIRE. Anexo I. Tema 9. Lugares Protegidos
El presente documento se elabora por la Dirección General de Biodiversidad y Calidad Ambiental del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica (MITECO) en el marco del Inventario...