Impacto de las carreteras sobre la fauna.
Un ejemplo del efecto barrera en Francia. Cuando las carreteras son accesibles para los animales significan un peligro tanto para los conductores como para la fauna. Los restos... -
Procesos de urbanización y su influencia en el incremento de inundaciones (Su...
… vertiente al Mar Menor (… Mar Menor de los municipios de Murcia y Cartagena. Con la excepción del municipio de Murcia y Torre Pacheco, todos tienen litoral en la laguna del... -
Centro intergeneracional en las Salinas del Mar Menor
Análisis de un entorno alrededor del punto en el límite norte de las salinas de San Pedro del Pinatar, siendo la calle Costa Azul la más cercana. La precisa ubicación de cada... -
Monitoring sedimentary areas from mine waste products with Sentinel-2 satelli...
Torrential rainfall regimes, among others, are the origin of accelerated soil erosion. The Spanish southeastern Mediterranean region is characterised by an arid climate regime... -
Physiological response and photoacclimation capacity of Caulerpa prolifera (F...
The macroalga Caulerpa prolifera colonized the Mar Menor coastal lagoon after the enlargement of the main inlet in 1972, coexisting now with the previous Cymodocea nodosa... -
Changes in otter Lutra lutra distribution in Central Spain in the 1964–1995 p...
The partial recovery of the otter (Lutra lutra) in central Spain is explained by immigration from surrounding areas. Being migratory movements so important for otter... -
Mortalidad de rapaces en carreteras españolas.
Se realizó una prospección durante dos años en España y los resultados demostraron que las rapaces significaron el 5% de los animales muertos. De ellas, la mayoría son especies... -
An updated checklist of YOY fish occurrence in the shallow perimetral areas o...
An updated checklist of YOY fish in shallow areas of the Mar Menor (Western Mediterranean) The Mar Menor is one of the largest coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean basin. This... -
The morpho-tectonic setting of the Southeast margin of Iberia and the adjacen...
Multi-beam bathymetry and high-resolution low-penetration seismic reflection profiles of the offshore extensions of the Betic Internal Zone off Sierra de Cartagena-La Union... -
Phosphorus retention and fractionation in an eutrophic wetland: A one-year me...
This study aimed to evaluate the response of salt marshes to pulses of PO4 3--enriched water, with and without the presence of Phragmites australis. A one-year mesocosms... -
Detection of Haplosporidium pinnae from Pinna nobilis Faeces
Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) is the largest bivalve endemic to the Mediterranean. It is distributed in a wide range of coastal environments, including estuaries. Pinna nobilis... -
Tanteando en la oscuridad – efectividad de las medidas viarias para la mitiga...
En las últimas décadas los esfuerzos para minimizar el impacto potencial de las infraestructuras de transporte en la vida silvestre se han vuelto cada vez más importantes. Se ha... -
Estudio ecológico del zorro (Vulpes vulpes L., 1758) en la Sierra de Guadarrama.
Este estudio informa que la mayoría de los zorros adultos residentes utilizaron las carreteras como los límites de sus áreas de campeo. Una hembra adulta, sin embargo, incluyó... -
Litter descomposition process in embankments under Mediterranean conditions.
Litter descomposition process in embankments under Mediterranean conditions. Palabras clave: Ecosystem, Embankment, Monitoring -
When liming and revegetation contribute to the mobilisation of metals: Learni...
The aim of this study was to identify the effectiveness of liming in combination with vegetation for the recovery of slightly acidic, saline soils of eutrophic wetlands affected... -
Road effects on species abundance and population trend: a case study on tawny...
Urbanization and its inherent road network are one of the major movements that impulse landscape and biodiversity change, and its effects have yet to be fully understood. Few... -
Patrones de distribución de las aves en encinares fragmentados de la Meseta.
Patrones de distribución de las aves en encinares fragmentados de la Meseta. Palabras clave: Aves, Bosque, Fragmentación, Vertebrados -
Use of passages across a canal by wild mammals and related mortality.
From 1993–1998, we monitored a 24.1 km long concrete water canal in northern Spain for drowned mammals. Along the canal, 14 concrete bridges and 9 small bridges permitted... -
Low-cost automated GPS, electrical conductivity and temperature sensing devic...
Environmental and water quality monitoring are of utmost interest in a context where land use changes, uncontrolled agricultural practices, human settlements, tourism and other... -
Screening and quantification of Micro (Nano) plastics and plastic additives i...
In this work a suspect-screening approach was employed to assess the polymers and plastic additives of micro(nano)plastics (NPL/MPLs) of size ranges from the nm range to 20 μm...