Factors affecting bird communities in fragments of secondary pine forests in ...
We assessed the influence of size, extent of isolation and vegetation structure of secondary forest fragments on the richness and species composition of breeding bird... -
Permeabilidad de los vallados cinegéticos de caza mayor. Efecto barrera e imp...
Los vallados cinegéticos de caza mayor pueden tener un efecto negativo sobre diversas especies de mamíferos terrestres (ungulados y carnívoros amenazados) similar al producido... -
Análisis hidrológico e hidráulico y de transporte de sedimentos en cauces efí...
Se requiere analizar el comportamiento hidrológico e hidráulico y de transporte de sedimentos de los cauces efímeros propios de zonas semiáridas, con el objetivo de poder... -
La iniciativa legislativa popular para el reconocimiento de personalidad jurí...
Las razones que han llevado a la ciudadanía española a proponer una ley que reconozca la personalidad jurídica de la laguna del Mar Menor y su cuenca y dote de derechos propios... -
Phthalates, organotin compounds and per-polyfluoroalkyl substances in semicon...
In this work two sensitive areas of the Spanish coast located in the Atlantic (Ria de Vigo) and Mediterranean (Mar Menor lagoon) have been studied regarding their contamination... -
Desarrollo de una metodología de integración paisajística de las autopistas.
Desarrollo de una metodología de integración paisajística de las autopistas. Palabras clave: Paisaje, Seguimiento -
Can we explain regional abundance and road‐kill patterns with variables deriv...
We evaluated the transferability of variables previously found to have a significant effect on European polecat Mustela putorius road‐kills at a local scale (i.e. 50m around... -
Recomendaciones básicas para la definición de corredores y la desfragmentació...
Recomendaciones básicas para la definición de corredores y la desfragmentación de infraestructuras para el oso pardo. -
Caracterización de la recarga en un episodio de precipitación excepcional e i...
Evaluating groundwater recharge is crucial to assess available water resources, to establish environmental flows when aquifers are connected to surface water or wetlands, and to... -
Recent changes in landscape structure and function in a Mediterranean region ...
Changes in landscape patterns are analysed in two areas of southern Spain during the second half of the 20th century. There was a general trend of the human population to... -
Impacts of human activities on recharge in a multilayered semiarid aquifer (C...
The development of intense agriculture in semiarid areas modifies intensity and spatial distribution of groundwater recharge by summing irrigation return flow to limited... -
Reflexió sobre l'impacte a la Llei d'Enjudiciament Civil a la llum del recone...
Exhaustiu i divulgatiu anàlisi de la innovadora Llei 19/2022, que implica un canvi de paradigma per a la defensa jurídica del medi ambient i que suposarà que el nostre... -
Comparing spatial statistical methods to detect amphibian road mortality hots...
Animal mortality on roads is one of the main concerns on wildlife conservation. Due to their habitat requirements, amphibians became one of the most commonly road-killed group... -
Impacto de las infraestructuras de transporte sobre la naturaleza en el terri...
Impacto de las infraestructuras de transporte sobre la naturaleza en el territorio histórico de Álava. -
Monitoring the performance of wild-born and introduced lizards in a fragmente...
Ex situ conservation of animal populations may benefit from captive-breeding programmes, but these are criticised because they are assumed to be difficult, time-consuming and... -
Vertebrate predation on holm oak, Quercus ilex, acorns in a fragmented habita...
Vertebrate predation on holm oak, Quercus ilex, acorns in a fragmented habitat: effects on seedling recruitment. Palabras clave: Forest, Habitat fragmentation, Plant, Vegetation -
A road mobile mapping device for supervised classification of amphibians on r...
We present the classification results of a supervised algorithm of road images containing amphibians. We used a prototype of a mobile mapping system composed of a scanning... -
Length-weight relationships for 22 fish species of the Mar Menor coastal lago...
Length-weight relationships were estimated for 22 species of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (south-eastern Spain): Lipophrys dalmatinus, Salaria pavo, Callionymus pusillus,... -
Genetic diversity and connectivity remain high in Holothuria polii (Delle Chi...
Coastal lagoons represent habitats with widely heterogeneous environmental conditions, particularly as regards salinity and temperature, which fluctuate in both space and time.... -
Vegetation response after removal of the invasive Carpobrotus hybrid complex ...
We evaluated the ecological success of the manual removal of Carpobrotus species, a putative hybrid complex of a South African perennial mat-forming plant, by comparing treated,...