Connectivitat biològica i pla d'espais d'interés natural (PEIN): diagnosi gen...
Connectivitat biològica i pla d'espais d'interés natural (PEIN): diagnosi general. Palabras clave: Connectivitat, Xarxa ecològica, Paisatge -
Roads as ecological corridors.
The protection of the environment constitutes a key aspect of all countries’ policy. The variety of wildlife (animals and plants) of our planet is enormous, so we should not... -
Lince ibérico. Bases para su reintroducción en las sierras de Cádiz.
Lince ibérico. Bases para su reintroducción en las sierras de Cádiz. Palabras clave: Biodiversidad, Medida compensatoria, Lince -
Relative value of riparian woodlands in landscapes with different forest cove...
This study analyses the role of riparian woodland in the conservation of five common carnivore species as compared with other non-riparian habitats according to woodland cover... -
A forecasting map of avian roadkill-risk in Europe: a tool to identify potent...
In this study, we propose a novel strategy for identifying potential hotspots of avian roadkills in Europe. The proposed approach combines information about the spatial... -
La movilidad territorial de cuatro especies de la fauna iberica.
La movilidad territorial de cuatro especies de la fauna iberica. Palabras clave: Ciervo, Dispersión, Siniestralidad con fauna, Jabalí, Lobo -
Assessing large-scale wildlife responses to human infrastructure development.
Habitat loss and deterioration represent the main threats to wildlife species, and are closely linked to the expansion of roads and human settlements. Unfortunately, large-scale... -
Favourability for the presence of wild rabbit warrens in motorway verges: imp...
Pest species cause significant ecological, social and economic impacts, and programs to control them usually target specific landscape features when pests use these to disperse.... -
Carreteres i conservació de la biodiversitat: oportunitats per a la desfragme...
Carreteres i conservació de la biodiversitat: oportunitats per a la desfragmentació d’hàbitats en el manteniment de les vies existents. -
Can we mitigate animal–vehicle accidents using predictive models?
Vehicle collisions with wild animals are a serious problem that justifies the widespread application of mitigation measures such as road fencing and provision of crossing... -
Dictamen sobre el impacto global de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Barcelo...
Dictamen sobre el impacto global de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Barcelona-frontera francesa sobre la fauna y sus hábitats. Propuesta de medidas correctoras. Palabras... -
Millones de animales mueren atropellados cada año en las carreteras españolas.
Millones de animales mueren atropellados cada año en las carreteras españolas. Palabras clave: Colisión, Punto de conflicto, Siniestralidad con fauna, Carretera, Mortalidad,... -
Distribution of birds in fragments of Mediterranean forests: the role of ecol...
This paper evaluates the role of ecological densities (densities in a given habitat) in predicting the ability of forest passerines to occupy fragments of eight oak Quercus spp.... -
Otter distribution and agriculture in southwestern Spain.
Otter distribution and agriculture in southwestern Spain. Palabras clave: Arable land, Otter -
Previsión inicial y seguimiento posterior del impacto acústico producido por ...
Previsión inicial y seguimiento posterior del impacto acústico producido por el proyecto de construcción del corredor del Txoriherri (Bizcaya), tramo Enekuri-Derio. Palabras... -
Reduced bird occurrence in pine forest fragments associated with road proximi...
This study investigated the effect of road and highway proximity on the occurrence of bird species in isolated secondary pine forest fragments in an agricultural matrix. We... -
Enhancing wildlife conservation in road corridors by applying best maintenanc...
Road maintenance provides us excellent opportunities to reduce road’s impacts on wildlife as well as road-wildlife hazards. Mitigation measures maintenance also play a key role... -
Controlling human activities as confounding variable in road studies.
Controlling human activities as confounding variable in road studies. -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en varias...
Se prospectaron cinco carreteras nacionales, una autovía (A-49) y algunas carreteras locales en la provincia de Huelva (SO España), la mayoría de ellas cerca de la costa.... -
Road proximity affects reproductive investment in lizards: a two-years transl...
Worldwide roads are in continuous expansion, with an expected increase of >60% by 2050. This may increase selection pressures on wildlife, urging applied ecologist to...