Anatomical and ultrastructural studies of chemical defence in the sponge Dysi...
The marine sponge Dysidea fragilis from El Mar Menor, a hypersaline coastal lagoon (Murcia, Spain), contains the furanosesquiterpenoid ent-furodysinin as the major secondary... -
The role of remote sensing data in habitat suitability and connectivity model...
Ecological modeling requires sufficient spatial resolution and a careful selection of environmental variables to achieve good predictive performance. Although national and... -
Machine Learning as a Diagnosis Tool of Groundwater Quality in Zones with Hig...
Groundwater is humanity’s freshwater pantry, constituting 97% of available freshwater. The 6th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of the UN Agenda 2030 promotes “Ensure... -
Bad moon rising? The influence of the lunar cycle on amphibian roadkills.
Annually, roads, and their associated users, are responsible for millions of roadkills worldwide. Mortality affects multiple taxonomic groups, but amphibians are particularly... -
Mobile mapping system (MMS2) for detecting roadkills.
Roads affect negatively wildlife, from direct mortality to habitat fragmentation. Mortality caused by collision with vehicles on roads is a major threat to many species.... -
Humans and traffic influence European wildcat behaviour in pastoral landscapes.
Humans and traffic influence European wildcat behaviour in pastoral landscapes. -
Programa de gestión sostenible del medio marino andaluz. Informe regional 2021.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Towards effective culvert design: monitoring seasonal use and behavior by Med...
Drainage culverts are known to be used by a diverse number of species. To date, most studies looking at culvert usage have been restricted to the dry season. This seasonal bias... -
Temporal variation of the biomass and structure of Caulerpa prolifera (Forssk...
Se describe la variación temporal de la estructura, biomasa y contenido de carbono, nitrógeno y fósforo de la pradera de Caularpa prolifera en el Mar Menor (SE de España) desde... -
Vocal response to traffic noise in a non-passerine bird: the little bustard T...
Anthropogenic noise is spreading worldwide and can interfere with the acoustic communication of multiple animal groups. Species communicating in low-frequency ranges (having... -
Microplásticos en sedimentos costeros y marinos del litoral de la Región de M...
El plástico es uno de los materiales más utilizados en todo el planeta debido a su versatilidad y bajo coste de producción. Sin embargo, su durabilidad y la ineficiencia en la... -
Seguimiento de una reintroducción de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en un ambien...
Se llevó a cabo el radioseguimiento de 15 corzos translocados. El efecto barrera causado por la presencia de una red importante de infraestructuras viarias alrededor del macizo... -
New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (May 2022)
This Collective Article presents new information about the occurrence of 21 taxa that belong to six Phyla: one Cnidaria, one Ctenophora, two Annelida, four Mollusca, two... -
La creación del mito de La Manga del Mar Menor a través de la promoción turís...
La entidad de los Noticiarios y Documentales (NO-DO) fue la encargada de construir una imagen identitaria del país acorde a los intereses políticos del Régimen. En el caso del... -
Datos sobre la vegetación de la Isla Mayor del Mar Menor (Murcia)
La comunidad arbustiva Chamacropo-lycioidis withaniestosum frutescentis es probablemente la clímax de esta pequeña isla litoral. Se describe también una subasociación nitrífila,... -
The role of habitat connectivity on road mortality of tawny owls.
The role of habitat connectivity on road mortality of tawny owls. -
Genetic signature of a recent invasion: The ragged sea hare Bursatella leachi...
In the last years, bioinvasions are increasing their ecological and economic impacts on different habitats all over the world, and are therefore becoming the target of much... -
The relict population of Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor is facing an uncertai...
Pinna nobilis is undergoing one of the most dramatic events suffered by an endangered species. An emerging disease has relegated its populations to coastal lagoons or estuaries... -
Caracterización de la marisma mareal de la Bahía de Cádiz. Proyecto LIFE 14 C...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Fauna y tráfico: manual europeo para la identificación de conflictos y el dis...
Fauna y tráfico: manual europeo para la identificación de conflictos y el diseño de soluciones.