Orden de 16 de junio de 2016, de la Consejería de Agua, Agricultura y medio a...
El Programa desarrolla las principales actuaciones necesarias para reducir la contaminación por nitratos de origen agrario en aguas continentales y litorales, permitiendo... -
A critical gap in seagrass protection: impact of anthropogenic off-shore nutr...
En este artículo se estudia la influencia remota de la descarga de nutrientes en alta mar en la fisiología y estructura de las praderas profundas de P. oceanica situadas más... -
Phosphoglucose isomerase variability of Cerastoderma glaucum as a model for t...
Extreme conditions of coastal lagoons could directly modify the genetic patterns of species. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of environmental conditions... -
Behavioural responses of barn owls and stone martens to highways: do ecologic...
Several studies have documented that owls and carnivores are two taxa highly impacted by road mortality, but little is known whether roads attract or repulse individuals. The... -
Informe de Sostenibilidad Económica del Plan General Municipal de Ordenación ...
El Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2008, de 20 de junio, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Suelo, establece en su artículo 15 la imposición de que los... -
Mar Menor lagoon: An iconic case of ecosystem collapse
Mar Menor (W Mediterranean, Spain) is the largest hypersaline coastal lagoon in Europe. In spring 2016, chl a concentration exceeded the average values (< 1 µg L-1) reported... -
Carnivores cross irrigation canals more often through overpasses than through...
As rainfall becomes scarcer or more erratic, we rely more on irrigation systems for agricultural and human water provision. Impacts of irrigation canals such as the barrier... -
Movement re-established but not restored: inferring the effectiveness of road...
Wildlife crossing structures are commonly used to mitigate the barrier and mortality impacts of roads on wildlife. For arboreal mammals, canopy bridges, glider poles and... -
Programa de seguimiento del estado del Mar Menor. Síntesis de resultados prel...
El informe presenta la actualización de los resultados de seguimiento para las variables: salinidad, temperatura, pH, potencial redox, clorofila a, irradiancia PAR, y... -
Actuaciones para minimizar los efectos sobre la fauna.
La restauración ecológica asociada a cualquier ac-tividad humana debe atender no solo a recuperar los aspectos visuales y estéticos de los sistemas naturales alterados, sino... -
Riqueza de Especies
Indicador que muestra la riqueza de las especies silvestres en España mediante su distribución en la malla de 10 kilómetros. -
Micropropagation of Asparagus macrorrhizus, a Spanish endemic species in extr...
Asparagus macrorrhizus: is a new species, which has been recently described. It is limited to the area surrounding the "Mar Menor" lagoon, in Murcia (Spain), and is the only... -
Is coastal lagoon eutrophication likely to be aggravated by global climate ch...
Coastal zones are widely recognised as being particularly vulnerable to future environmental change. Although a significant number of previous papers warn of an increasing... -
Differences in spatial and seasonal patterns of macrophyte assemblages betwee...
Although benthic macrophytes must be considered in monitoring programs to establish the ecological status of transitional and coastal waters in the European Union, the patterns... -
Species-specific movement traits and specialization determine the spatial res...
The barrier effect is a pervasive impact of road networks. For many small mammals individual avoidance responses can be the mechanism behind the barrier effect. However, little... -
Evaluating connectivity between Natura 2000 sites within the montado agrofore...
The Natura 2000 network is the centerpiece of European nature conservation policy but its effectiveness is challenged by ongoing landscape change. Our objective was to assess... -
Rangos de Hábitat Artículo 17 (período 2013-2018)
El Servicio WMS (Web Map Service) denominado "Rangos de Hábitat Artículo 17 (período 2013-2018)" permite la visualización y consulta del conjunto de datos que representan los... -
Spatial and temporal variations of hydrological conditions, nutrients and chl...
The Mar Menor is a sheltered and hypersaline lagoon, with salinity ranges between 38 and 51 psu. The lagoon is threatened by several pressures and in the last decades... -
Plan Director de Infraestructuras 1993 - 2007. 2a Edición.
Plan Director de Infraestructuras 1993 - 2007. 2a Edición. Palabras clave: Planificación de infraestructuras, Ordenación del territorio, Planificación, Política -
Fragmentación de los hábitats de la Red Natura 2000 afectados por el PEIT (Pl...
Fragmentación de los hábitats de la Red Natura 2000 afectados por el PEIT (Plan Estratégico de Infraestructuras y Transporte).