Procesos hidrodinámicos en la zona de descarga de los acuíferos costeros
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal investigar diferentes procesos y factores que afectan a la hidrodinámica de la zona de descarga de los acuíferos costeros y en la... -
Heavy metal removal of intermittent acid mine drainage with an open limestone...
This study is focused on the influence of a particular open limestone channel (OLC) on the quality of the surface water drained from an intermittent watercourse. The OLC was... -
A novel way of being together? On the depoliticising effects of attributing r...
The recent trend of attributing rights to nature arguably introduces a novel way of ordering the relationship between humans and nonhumans. But to what extent does it challenge... -
Fish effects on benthos and plankton in a Mediterranean salt marsh
Fish predation has an important role structuring benthic and planktonic assemblages in shallow waters. Habitat complexity may mitigate the effect of fish predation, thus... -
Examining the implementation of potable water reuse in sewersheds of Southeas...
Sewage management is a key issue within circular economy and climate change scenario. Ensuring water supply is a challenge on a global scale. Numerous projects for potable water... -
Simple tools for assessing water quality and trophic status in transitional w...
In this study we have developed an index for assessing trophic status and water quality in transitional aquatic ecosystems of Southern Europe. The index has been developed from... -
Sponge coating decreases predation on the bivalve Arca noae
Mediterranean populations of the bivalve Arco none were found to be specifically fouled by the demosponge Crambe crambe. The surface of the shells forms spines which favour... -
Coastalization patterns in the Mediterranean: A spatiotemporal analysis of co...
Under the current climate change scenery, coastalization, i.e. a linear-type of urban sprawl along the coastal zone, has become a key planning and policy concern at a global... -
Desarrollos metodológicos en geología del subsuelo para la caracterización de...
Dos son los objetivos fundamentales de este trabajo. El primero consiste en desarrollar metodologías para la modelación geológica 3D y consiguiente evaluación de las reservas... -
Liming and vegetation favor Fe-mobilization in eutrophic wetland soils affect...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of liming and vegetation on the dynamic of Fe in eutrophic wetland soils affected by mine wastes, under different flooding... -
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Littoral Waterbirds for Establishing Ecological ...
Waterbirds are vital indicators of anthropogenic influence on the ecological status of Mediterranean coastal lagoons. Our study relates temporal waterbird data to key... -
Memoria de Ordenación y Gestión del Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de S...
La elaboración del Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de San Javier (en adelante, PGMO San Javier), ha sido realizado, según encargo del Excmo. Ayuntamiento a la consultoría... -
Mar Menor: una laguna singular y sensible. Evaluación científica de su estado...
Este libro proporciona un conocimiento actualizado del estado de la laguna costera. Se pretende que sirva también como documento de base para iniciativas futuras, complementando... -
A sustainable approach by using microalgae to minimize the eutrophication pro...
The present study evaluates the removal capacity of microalgae photobioreactors of environmental pollutants present in wastewater from the dry riverbed El Albujon, as a way to... -
Assessing the nursery role for marine fish species in a hypersaline coastal l...
The shallow inshore areas of coastal lagoons function as nursery grounds for the early life stages of marine fish. Multi-species approaches and the assessment of several... -
Biodiversity impacts by multiple anthropogenic stressors in Mediterranean coa...
Mediterranean coastal wetlands are considered biodiversity hot-spots and contain a high number of endemic species. The biodiversity of these ecosystems is endangered by several... -
Bases ecológicas del empleo de filtros verdes/humedales en el tratamiento de ...
Simposio sobre la creación de Filtros Verdes para la reducción de la contaminación por efluentes en el Mar Menor -
Dominance of small-sized phytoplankton in a Mediterranean eutrophic coastal l...
The predator-prey relationship is generally size-specific in the pelagic food webs. Phytoplankton cell size structure can provide information on the successive levels of... -
Tesis doctoral: Geografía del agua de boca y el saneamiento en el Campo de Ca...
The region of Campo de Cartagena - Mar Menor is located in the Region of Murcia, a space located in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, which features a semi- arid... -
Cultural adaptation to Spanish and assessment of an Adolescent Peer Relations...
Background and objectives: School bullying is a growing problem. The current study is aimed at culturally adapting and assessing the psychometric properties of a brief scale to...