The morpho-tectonic setting of the Southeast margin of Iberia and the adjacen...
Multi-beam bathymetry and high-resolution low-penetration seismic reflection profiles of the offshore extensions of the Betic Internal Zone off Sierra de Cartagena-La Union... -
Phosphorus retention and fractionation in an eutrophic wetland: A one-year me...
This study aimed to evaluate the response of salt marshes to pulses of PO4 3--enriched water, with and without the presence of Phragmites australis. A one-year mesocosms... -
Detection of Haplosporidium pinnae from Pinna nobilis Faeces
Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) is the largest bivalve endemic to the Mediterranean. It is distributed in a wide range of coastal environments, including estuaries. Pinna nobilis... -
Núcleo Turístico Sensible: La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
A lo largo de la costa existen innumerables entornos que por sus características climáticas y paisajísticas se han transformado en núcleos turísticos. Entornos que, debido a un... -
Prevalence of Anguillicoloides crassus (Nematoda, Dracunculoidea) in wild Eur...
Anguillicoloides crassus infection in wild European eels (Anguilla anguilla) from Mar Menor, a hypersaline coastal lagoon situated on the shores of the Mediterranean in... -
When liming and revegetation contribute to the mobilisation of metals: Learni...
The aim of this study was to identify the effectiveness of liming in combination with vegetation for the recovery of slightly acidic, saline soils of eutrophic wetlands affected... -
Low-cost automated GPS, electrical conductivity and temperature sensing devic...
Environmental and water quality monitoring are of utmost interest in a context where land use changes, uncontrolled agricultural practices, human settlements, tourism and other... -
Screening and quantification of Micro (Nano) plastics and plastic additives i...
In this work a suspect-screening approach was employed to assess the polymers and plastic additives of micro(nano)plastics (NPL/MPLs) of size ranges from the nm range to 20 μm... -
Proceso urbanizador y clima: causas y consecuencias en el caso de la Región d...
Se muestran ejemplos del proceso urbanizador reciente en la Región de Murcia, llevado a cabo entre finales de los noventa del siglo pasado y hasta la crisis de la década... -
Las ramblas del Campo de Cartagena. Problemática ambiental de la Laguna del M...
El Campo de Cartagena, es una unidad hidrogeológica amplia y compleja situada en el sudeste de la Región de Murcia, en el que no existen cursos permanentes de aguas superfi... -
La comunidad de aves el Mar Menor y su papel bioindicador
Este artículo se basa en el Proyecto Fin de Carrera de Pablo Farinos Celdrán, titulado Aves acuáticas como bioindicadores en el seguimiento de humedales: aplicacion en el Mar... -
Genetic variability of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L.: data from ...
European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., is an important commercial species along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastline in both fishing and aquacultura. The artificial... -
The Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) of the Mar Menor as a model for t...
The Mar Menor, a coastal lagoon in south-eastern Spain of high environmental value and protected by the Natura 2000 network, suffered an intense phenomenon of eutrophication in... -
Influence of environmental parameters on reproduction of the European flat oy...
The influence of environmental parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, suspended matter, chlorophyll a) on the condition indices and gametogenic cycle of the European flat... -
Small-scale genetic structure of Cerastoderma glaucum in a lagoonal environme...
Environmental heterogeneity in coastal lagoons is expected to facilitate local adaptation in response to different ecological conditions, causing significant genetic structuring... -
Delimitación mediante técnicas de teledetección de las superficies de cultivo...
La expansión de la superficie de regadío se define como una de las principales causas de la eutrofización del Mar Menor en la actualidad. La explotación descontrolada de los... -
Informe de seguimiento de la directiva 91/676 - Contaminación del agua por ni...
Este informe tiene por objetivo cumplir el requisito establecido en el artículo 10 de la Directiva 91/676, de 12 de diciembre, para el cuatrienio 2012-2015, actualizando la... -
The influence of temperature on seasonal variation of Caulerpa prolifera (For...
Seasonal variation of P-I relationship and the effect of temperature on P(max) and dark respiration rates of Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskal) Lamouroux were investigated in a 1-m... -
Long-term sediment records reveal over three thousands years of heavy metal i...
Este trabajo revisa la evolución espacio-temporal de los principales metales pesados de esta laguna costera a partir de datos de 272 muestras de sedimentos superficiales... -
Stakeholder analysis and prioritization of management measures for a sustaina...
Agricultural and urban activities over the last decades have caused an environmental degradation of the social-ecological system of the Mar Menor, compromising the ecosystem...