Coastal Vegetation
The coastal vegetation of the Iberian Peninsula (including the Balearic Islands) is represented by a set of plant communities that colonize biotopes as diverse as sea cliffs,... -
Las estrategias de desarrollo urbano sostenible integrado como modelo de inte...
The future of our cities is determined by the current processes of regeneration and transformation of the woven urban to comply the "city compact", understood this as "(...) a... -
Dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus and metals in eutrophic wetlands affected by...
The objectives of this work were: 1) To study the biogeochemical processes related to the dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil-water-plant system of eutrophic... -
The effects of competitors on fitness of marbled goby Pomatoschistus marmorat...
We investigated the relationship, at local level, between fitness (measured as fish condition) of Pomastoschistus marmoratus and environmental variables of shallow areas in the... -
Commercial Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata L.) from the Mar Menor Coastal La...
This paper presents the results on the presence and characterization of microplastics (MP) in the gastrointestinal tract of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.), a species of... -
Assessing the Hydrodynamic Response of the Mar Menor Lagoon to Dredging Inlet...
The Mar Menor lagoon has been subjected to high anthropogenic pressures. Among them, in the early 1970s, dredging and enlargement of one of the inlets to make a navigable... -
Cambio Climático en el Mediterráneo español (segunda edición actualizada)
The first edition of the report “Climate Change in the Spanish Mediterranean” acknowledged the necessity of monitoring environmental conditions within the Mediterranean Sea and... -
The emergent fouling population after severe eutrophication in the Mar Menor ...
Mar Menor is one of the largest coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean basin. Over the years, Mar Menor has suffered a significant environmental degradation due to multiple... -
Licmophora species from a Mediterranean hypersaline coastal lagoon (Mar Menor...
Five species of Licmophora were recorded in the hypersaline Mar Menor coastal lagoon. A detailed electron microscopy study of L. proboscidea, L. debilis, L. tennis and L.... -
Evaluación económica del tratamiento de drenajes agrícolas en el Mar Menor (S...
La laguna costera del Mar Menor (SE Espana) viene sufriendo desde hace varias décadas un proceso de eutrofización y degradaeión de la calidad de sus aguas, provocado en gran... -
Strategic Analysis of the Socio-Ecological Systems of Coastal Lagoons: The Ca...
The present work has realized an integrated analysis of the pressures that affect the state of ecosystems and their services, as well as of the management mechanisms car- ried... -
Living in a coastal lagoon environment: Photosynthetic and biochemical mechan...
The physiological status of Cystoseira compressa, Padina pavonica and Palisada tenerrima was studied by in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence, pigment content, stoichiometry (C:N),... -
A participatory approach for selecting cost-effective measures in the WFD con...
Achieving a good ecological status in water bodies by 2015 is one of the objectives established in the European Water Framework Directive. Cost-effective analysis (CEA) has been... -
Cuantificación de la descarga subterránea al Mar Menor mediante modelización ...
El principal objetivo de este estudio es cuantificar los patrones espaciales de comportamiento del flujo de agua subterránea en el acuífero superficial Cuaternario del Campo de... -
Cambios paisajísticos y efectos medioambientalesdebidos a la agricultura inte...
The culture by greenhouses has been one of the greatest agricultural transformations in the world, but especially in the southeastern Spanish. The main objective of this study... -
Las encañizadas del Mar Menor (Murcia, SE España): ejemplo de recuperación de...
Se realiza una revisión de la evolución histórica, estructura física, condiciones fisiográficas e hidrográficas donde se desarrolla la actividad pesquera tradicional de las... -
Proyecto de "Filtro Verde en el entorno de la desembocadura de la Rambla del ...
Es objeto del presente Proyecto el obtener de los organismos competentes las autorizaciones oportunas para poder ejecutar las obras descritas posteriormente. Así mismo, es... -
Estudio Oceanográfico Integral de Alta Resolución de la Laguna Costera de El ...
El Mar Menor es una laguna protegida hipersalina situada en el sudeste de España (Fig. 1). Es una de las mayores lagunas costeras en la región del Mediterráneo, así como en... -
Relación entre equipamiento de servicios y modelo turístico
El objetivo de este trabajo es descubrir la implicación de dos subsectores del equipamiento de servicios (distribución y lúdico) con el modelo turístico imperante en los... -
Bio-economic analysis of the Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain) small-scale lagoon ...
An integrated fisheries management tool based on a bio-economic model was applied to the demersal fishery in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon in SE Spain, with the objective of...