Innovación para la competitividad turística en la Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
La Manga es una restinga que separa el Mar Menor del Mar Mediterráneo. Es el espacio turístico más relevante de la Región de Murcia, pero tiene un uso estival casi exclusivo.... -
Comportamiento de la explotaciones de regadío del campo de Cartagena ante sit...
En este estudio se analizan los efectos de la sequía en las explotaciones del Campo de Cartagena. Para ello se ha seleccionado un conjunto de indicadores que permitan evaluar la... -
Distribution and abundance of Cymodocea nodosa meadows and Pinna nobilis popu...
The Mar Menor (135 km2 ) is one of the most important hypersaline coastal lagoons in the Western Mediterranean Sea, its bottoms were originally colonized by monospecific meadows... -
Impact of climate risk materialization and ecological deterioration on house ...
Este trabajo muestra que cuando el público percibió la severidad de la degradación ambiental, el retorno de la inversión en vivienda fue un 43% menor en los alrededores que en... -
Population dynamics and growth in three scyphozoan jellyfishes, and their rel...
Blooms of jellyfishes are perceived to have increased during the last decades causing interference with human activities of both recreational and professional type. Those blooms... -
Cambios de usos del suelo en el entorno del Mar Menor (1973-2016)
En los últimos años, el intenso crecimiento urbano, agrícola e industrial en el entorno del Mar Menor ha propiciado el deterioro de la calidad de sus aguas. La agricultura es... -
Informe integral sobre el estado ecológico del Mar Menor
El presente informe, realizado en el marco del Grupo de Trabajo de Hidrogeología perteneciente al Comité de Asesoramiento Científico del Mar Menor, se plantea con el objetivo... -
Geomorfología litoral del Mar Menor
En esta revista se tratan los siguientes temas: 1) Caracteres Generales del Campo del Mar Menor.-Las direc trices estructurales. Modelado. El clima. Vegetación. Suelos.-11) El... -
Programa de seguimiento del estado del Mar Menor. Síntesis de resultados prel...
El informe presenta la actualización de los resultados de seguimiento para las variables: salinidad, temperatura, pH, potencial redox, clorofila a, irradiancia PAR, y... -
Growth of the European flat oyster in the Mediterranean Sea (Murcia, SE Spain)
Growth of the natural European flat oyster (Osh-ea edulis L.) spat from the Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) was studied in the Mediterranean Sea over 18 months. The oysters were... -
Assesing the impact of best management practices in a highly anthropogenic an...
Las mejores prácticas de gestión (BMP) proporcionan una solución viable para problemas de contaminación de fuentes no localizadas. Los altos rendimientos de sedimentos y... -
Evaluating Submarine Groundwater Discharge to the Mediterranean Sea by using ...
The general objective of this Thesis is the evaluation of the importance of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) to the Mediterranean Sea by using Ra isotopes, from both local... -
Beach re-nourishment at Playa de Villananitos, Spain
A beach re-nourishment project has been developed for the Spanish Coastal Authority following guidelines for littoral enhancement set by the Ministry of the Environment's... -
Connectivity between coastal lagoons and sea: Asymmetrical effects on assembl...
Connectivity among marine populations plays a fundamental role in the dynamic of metapopulations and communities. Moreover, genetic connectivity is important for the... -
The combined use of liming and Sarcocornia fruticosa development for phytoman...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effects of liming and behaviour of Sarcocornia fruticosa as a strategy of phytomanagement of metal polluted salt marsh soils.... -
Aggregations of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in a hypersaline en...
The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, a species native to estuaries and coastal regions of the western Atlantic Ocean, was first introduced into the Black Sea in the early 1980s,... -
Retro-diagnosis methodology for land consumption analysis towards sustainable...
Land consumption is a good indicator to directly diagnose present and future imbalances in territories, and indirectly, possible issues associated to the management of other... -
Under pressure: Cassiopea andromeda jellyfish exposed to increasing water tem...
Similar to other cnidarians such as stony corals, the upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopea spp.) lives in endosymbiosis with dinoflagellates of the family Symbiodiniaceae. These... -
Assessment of Socio-Economic and Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in...
This study demonstrates the importance of considering potential land use and management changes in climate impact research. By taking into account possible trends of economic... -
Strategies for the renaturalization of tourist destinations: la manga del mar...
Along the Mediterranean coastline there are numerous tourist resorts that require a comprehensive renaturalization. La Manga is an environment of great landscape richness where …