Centennial scale reconstruction of metal pollution in Europe's largest saltwa...
The Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) is a critical ecological and socioeconomic ecosystem and the first in Europe to be granted rights of personhood. However, pollution from... -
A systematic review on microplastic pollution in water, sediments, and organi...
Coastal lagoons are transitional environments between continental and marine aquatic systems. Globally, coastal lagoons are of great ecological and socioeconomic importance as... -
Bio and anthropogenic disturbance of Maërl communities settled on subaqueous ...
Maërl habitats are of great biological value due to their high biodiversity and productivity, but they are also very fragile. The subaqueous dune field on the continental shelf... -
Análisis de la eficacia de diversas medidas de control sobre el vertido de ag...
En el presente TFM se ha tomado como caso de estudio la problemática existente en la laguna del Mar Menor, la cual ha experimentado un detrimento de la calidad de sus aguas... -
The complexity of studying coasts: From forms and processes to management
Coastal environments are characterized by their high dynamism, related to the interaction between marine agents (winds, waves, currents, sea level changes) and continental forms... -
Occurrence and seasonal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and ...
The occurrence and seasonal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and legacy and current-use pesticides (CUPs) in air were characterized around the Mar Menor... -
Modificaciones hidrodinámicas a largo plazo en un acuífero multicapa con expl...
En la cuenca Mediterránea es frecuente encontrar entornos semiáridos donde los acuíferos están sometidos a explotación intensiva, generalmente para satisfacer las demandas... -
Biliary PAH metabolites in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) from Mar Menor la...
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) areubiquitous organic contaminants present in marine sediments as a consequence of their continuous input from either land- or... -
Dissolved organic matter distribution in the water column and sediment pore w...
Coastal lagoons are among the most productive and biodiverse systems in the world and are important sentinels of climate change. The Mar Menor is one of the largest coastal... -
Estudio específico de afecciones sobre la Red Natura 2000 de la autorización ...
Anejo 1: Características de los pozos solicitados; Anejo 2: Instalaciones de los pozos de sequía a ejecutar; Anejo 3: Determinaciones de nitratos en el laboratorio; Anejo 4:... -
Comunidad de parásitos de anguila europea (Anguila anguilla) del Mar Menor y ...
La anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla) se encuentra en un estado de conservación vulnerable debido a múltiples causas antropogénicas y naturales, entre las que adquieren gran... -
The devise of the myth of La Manga del Mar Menor through the tourist promotio...
The entity of Noticiarios y Documentales (NO-DO) was commissioned to build an iden-tity image of the country according to the political interest of the Regime. In tourism case,... -
Giro ecocéntrico en el ordenamiento jurídico español: El Mar Menor un ecosist...
El artículo trata de la novedad que supone para el derecho español el reconocimiento de los derechos de la naturaleza con la aprobación de la Ley 19/2022. Describe algunas de... -
Directrices y Plan de Ordenación Territorial del litoral de la Región de Murc...
La redacción de las Directrices y Plan de Ordenación Territorial se ha enmarcado dentro de la iniciativa comunitaria Interreg II-C "Modelos Territoriales Sostenibles en Espacios... -
The physio-geographical background and ecology of Mar Menor
This book is a major result of the LAGOONS research project (http://lagoons.web.ua.pt). LAGOONS stands for ‘Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European... -
Temperature effects on photosynthesis and depth distribution of the seagrass ...
Seasonal variation of temperature effects on photosynthesis and respiration of Cymodocea nodosa (UCRIA) ASCHERSON was investigated in a 1 m depth meadow in the Mar Menor lagoon... -
Assessing the effectiveness of potential best management practices for scienc...
Coastal lagoons are ecosystems of high environmental importance but are quite vulnerable to human activities. The continuous inflow of pollutant loads can trigger negative... -
El colapso del Mar Menor: historia de una joya ecológica maltratada
El Mar Menor era, hasta hace pocos años, una laguna costera de aguas cristalinas, poco profunda, hipersalina y oligotrófica, o lo que es lo mismo, pobre en nutrientes. Todas... -
Modelling of a strong flood event on the Mar Menor coastal lagoon with ROMS
The objective of the OPAL (ref: PID2019-110311RB-C22) project is to identify and assess the major pathways delivering nutrients, trace metals and pollutants originated from... -
Occurrence and distribution of contaminants of legacy and emerging concern in...
The occurrence and distribution of UV filters, plastic additives, synthetic musks, other personal care products (Other PCPs), triazines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),...