Temporal variation of the biomass and structure of Caulerpa prolifera (Forssk...
Se describe la variación temporal de la estructura, biomasa y contenido de carbono, nitrógeno y fósforo de la pradera de Caularpa prolifera en el Mar Menor (SE de España) desde... -
Microplásticos en sedimentos costeros y marinos del litoral de la Región de M...
El plástico es uno de los materiales más utilizados en todo el planeta debido a su versatilidad y bajo coste de producción. Sin embargo, su durabilidad y la ineficiencia en la... -
New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (May 2022)
This Collective Article presents new information about the occurrence of 21 taxa that belong to six Phyla: one Cnidaria, one Ctenophora, two Annelida, four Mollusca, two... -
La creación del mito de La Manga del Mar Menor a través de la promoción turís...
La entidad de los Noticiarios y Documentales (NO-DO) fue la encargada de construir una imagen identitaria del país acorde a los intereses políticos del Régimen. En el caso del... -
Datos sobre la vegetación de la Isla Mayor del Mar Menor (Murcia)
La comunidad arbustiva Chamacropo-lycioidis withaniestosum frutescentis es probablemente la clímax de esta pequeña isla litoral. Se describe también una subasociación nitrífila,... -
Genetic signature of a recent invasion: The ragged sea hare Bursatella leachi...
In the last years, bioinvasions are increasing their ecological and economic impacts on different habitats all over the world, and are therefore becoming the target of much... -
The relict population of Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor is facing an uncertai...
Pinna nobilis is undergoing one of the most dramatic events suffered by an endangered species. An emerging disease has relegated its populations to coastal lagoons or estuaries... -
Los canales del agua: abastecimiento y saneamiento en la comarca del Campo de...
En territorios donde la pluviometría es reducida, la seguridad hídrica ha sido una constante meta a lo largo de la historia. Diferentes técnicas se han utilizado para obtener y... -
Chronicle of a forecast flood: exposure and vulnerability on the south-east c...
In recent years, floods have become one of the natural hazards that generate the greatest economic and human losses on the planet. As is well known, torrential rainfall events... -
Evaluating Groundwater Management Sustainability under Limited Data Availabil...
In recent years, many researchers have devoted their efforts to finding an objective measurement of sustainability by developing evaluation tools based on sustainability... -
The Mar Menor: Action at last to save a dying sea
The largest permanent saltwater lagoon in Europe, situated in the south-east of Spain, has been experiencing spells where seabed vegetation, fish and crustations die because of... -
Impact assessment of agricultural inputs into a Mediterranean coastal lagoon ...
The Mar Menor is a coastal lagoon threatened by the development of intensive agriculture in the surrounding areas. Large amounts of pesticides from these areas are discharged... -
When maintaining ecological integrity and complexity is the best restoring to...
Coastal lagoons and estuarine environments are naturally stressed systems due to their high physicochemical variability (Elliott & Quintino, 2007). The species living in... -
How agriculture, connectivity and water management can affect water quality o...
The Natural Park of Albufera (Valencia, Spain) is an important Mediterranean coastal wetland that suffers continuous environmental effects from human activities and water uses,... -
Long term evolution of fisheries in a coastal lagoon related to changes in la...
Mediterranean coastal lagoons are among the most productive of marine ecosystems but, at the same time, they are strongly affected by anthropogenic pressures that could alter... -
Enhanced biological denitrification in the cyclic rotating bed reactor with c...
The performance of CRBR in denitrification with catechol carbon source is presented. The influence of inlet nitrate concentration, hydraulic retention time (HRT), media filling... -
Contrastes naturales en la Región bioclimática del Mediterráneo (EXTRACTO DEL...
Gestión de la franja costera: un enfoque integrado. Extracto del Libro "Contrastes naturales en la Región bioclimática del Mediterráneo". El término “costa” hace referencia a... -
Aquatic birds as bioindicators of trophic changes and ecosystem deterioration...
The Mar Menor is the largest coastal lagoon in the Western Mediterranean and it is an important site for wintering and breeding waterfowl. During recent decades several... -
Massive Aggregations of Serpulidae Associated With Eutrophication of the Mar ...
For decades, inputs of nutrients and organic matter into the Mar Menor coastal lagoon have favored the change from an original oligotrophic to a eutrophic state. The lagoon... -
Greenhouse gas dynamics in a coastal lagoon during the recovery of the macrop...
The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon with salinity values ranging from 41.9 to 45.5. The systemis subjected to a high anthropic pressure that causes an intense...