Accidentes con víctimas causadas por la fauna en la red de carreteras del Est...
The article discusses the human victims of accidents and give details of the accident and casualty rates for different road types in Spain. -
Surveying drainage culvert use by carnivores: sampling design and cost-benefi...
Environmental assessment studies often evaluate the effectiveness of drainage culverts as habitat linkages for species, however, the efficiency of the sampling designs and the... -
Revisión de la evaluación de impacto ambiental de infraestructuras de transpo...
A revision is being carried out of overland transport infrastructures (roads, motorways and railways) subject to a procedure of environmental impact assessment by the State,... -
Impacto del TAV Madrid-Sevilla sobre la fauna.
Impacto del TAV Madrid-Sevilla sobre la fauna. Palabras clave: Evaluación del impacto ambiental, Fauna, Línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad, Seguimiento -
Influence of lunar cycle on amphibian roadkill.
Roads are responsible for thousands of roadkill per year worldwide. Different taxonomic groups are vulnerable to this mortality source, but amphibians are especially vulnerable.... -
How do landscape context and fences influence roadkill locations of small and...
Road mortality is the most easily visible effect of roads and traffic on wildlife populations. Mitigation measures such as fences and wildlife passages have been applied to... -
Incorporating acoustic objectives into Forest Management Planning when sensit...
Background The potentially negative effects of timber harvesting on biodiversity and habitat conservation leads to the consideration of a wide range of restrictions to forest... -
El marco normativo y financiero de la planificación del transporte sostenible...
El marco normativo y financiero de la planificación del transporte sostenible - los criterios de sotenibilidad en el Plan Director de Infraestructuras. Palabras clave:... -
Transport infrastructure shapes foraging habitat in a raptor community.
Transport infrastructure elements are widespread and increasing in size and length in many countries, with the subsequent alteration of landscapes and wildlife communities.... -
Propuestas para un modelo de hábitat de dispersión del oso pardo cantábrico: ...
Propuestas para un modelo de hábitat de dispersión del oso pardo cantábrico: ¿están contemplados los corredores más idoneos en los planes de recuperación? Palabras clave: Osos,... -
Spatial patterns of road mortality of medium–large mammals in Mato Grosso do ...
Context Brazil has one of the richest biodiversity and one of the most extensive road networks in the world. Several negative impacts emerge from this interaction, including... -
Medidas de mejora de pasos de fauna y corrección de puntos negros de atropell...
La carretera C-260 de Figueres a Roses representa un acceso preferente a la Costa Brava, con una IMD próxima a los 25.000 vehículos/día, que se incrementa aún más durante el... -
Intelligent systems for mapping amphibian mortality on Portuguese roads.
Roads have multiple effects on wildlife, from animal mortality, habitat and population fragmentation, to modification of animal reproductive behavior. Amphibians in particular,... -
Indices for the spatial assessment of road and traffic impacts on ecosystems.
The increase in roads and traffic through the last century has caused extensive fragmentation of the landscape affecting biodiversity and ecosystem function. Subsequent changes... -
Patrones de fragmentación del hábitat en el norte de España: el ejemplo de ha...
In a study area in the Cantabrican Mountains, the total coverage of beech forest was almost twice than the total coverage of oak forest. Mean patch size of beech forest (232 ha)... -
Efectos de la fragmentación de los bosques sobre los vertebrados en las meset...
This work analyses the effects of fragmentation on the landscape, vegetation structure and the vertebrates of Iberian fragmented forests, with particular emphasis on Holm oak... -
Proyecto de estrategia para el desarrollo sostenible de los Pirineos.
Proyecto de estrategia para el desarrollo sostenible de los Pirineos. Palabras clave: Ordenación del territorio, Montaña, Planificación, Política, Evaluación ambiental estratégica -
Forest management effects on nesting habitat selected by eurasian black vultu...
They studied two recently established colonies of Eurasian Black Vultures (Aegypius monachus). One was located in an abandoned maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) plantation formerly... -
Influence of forest fragmentation on biodiversity: consequences for green and...
Influence of forest fragmentation on biodiversity: consequences for green and transport infrastructures. Palabras clave: Biodiversity, Fragmentation, Habitat, Habitat... -
Reducing light-induced mortality of seabirds: high pressure sodium lights dec...
The use of artificial light at night and its ecological consequences are increasing around the world. Light pollution can lead to massive mortality episodes for nocturnally...