An analytical and simulation framework to study the impacts of roads on the p...
Background/Question/Methods Roads can have major impacts on wildlife populations. They fragment the landscape, thus reducing the dispersal ability and gene flow of species, and... -
Utilització dels nous hábitats associats a l’obertura de l’eix de Vallvidrera...
This article is the result of a study carried out in Vallvidrera motorway between 1990-1993. The authors analyse the use that birds are doing of the new habitats associated to... -
Roads as overlooked drivers of change in bird communities.
Road networks are expanding globally, promoting numerous impacts on biodiversity, resulting in important changes in species occurrence patterns, but there is still a lack of... -
Indicador 5: Ocupación forestal por uso
Este indicador estima los cambios en la superficie de las áreas forestales en relación con la demanda de tierra para otros usos y las presiones a las que se encuentran sometidos... -
Mortalidad del jabalí (Sus scrofa) en carreteras de la provincia de Salamanca...
El Jabalí (Sus scrofa), es el ungulado silvestre de mayor incidencia en las carreteras de la provincia de Salamanca, soportando el 33, 5% del total de atropellos sobre mamíferos... -
Living on the verge: are roads a more suitable refuge for small mammals than ...
The retention of natural habitat corridors is a useful and practical conservation tool that can attenuate the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on wildlife. Linear... -
Efectos de la fragmentación forestal sobre la fauna de vertebrados: revisión ...
Efectos de la fragmentación forestal sobre la fauna de vertebrados: revisión y antecedentes de su estudio en España. Objetivos del estudio. Palabras clave: Fauna, Bosque,... -
What weight should be assigned to future environmental impacts? A probabilist...
Cost-benefit analysis is a standard methodological platform for public investment evaluation. In high environmental impact projects, with a long-term effect on future... -
Landscape fragmentation caused by the transport network in Navarra (Spain). T...
Landscape fragmentation caused by the transport network in Navarra (Spain). Two-scale analysis and landscape integration assessment. Palabras clave: Environmental impact... -
La repercusión del tráfico en carreteras sobre las rapaces.
Diurnal raptors use roads to feed on carcasses (victims of traffic as well), while nocturnal raptors use roads mainly to feed on their usual preys. Diurnal raptors are killed on... -
Mortalidad de vertebrados en carreteras. Proyecto provisional de seguimiento ...
Se reflejan en este informe la información recopilada durante años acerca de la mortalidad de vertebrados en carreteras, en un estudio altruista realizado por cientos de... -
Nightjars, rabbits, and foxes interact on unpaved roads: spatial use of a sec...
Linear developments, such as roads and firebreaks, can increase encounter rates between predator and prey, which could affect predator–prey interactions and community dynamics.... -
Factors involved in the distribution of forest birds in the Iberian Peninsula.
Factors involved in the distribution of forest birds in the Iberian Peninsula. Palabras clave: Bird, Forest -
Estrategia española para la conservación y el uso sostenible de la diversidad...
Estrategia española para la conservación y el uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica. Palabras clave: Planificación, Política -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Preliminary frequencies of vertebrate casualties in Toledo province (central Spain): mammals (61%), birds (35%), amphibians (2%), and reptiles (1%). Frecuencias preliminares de... -
Accidentes de tráfico con animales silvestres.
Accidentes de tráfico con animales silvestres. Palabras clave: Fauna, Siniestralidad con fauna, Caza -
Application of an integrated catchment-lake model approach for simulating eff...
Climate change is simultaneously affecting lakes and their catchments, resulting in altered runoff patterns in the catchment and modified mixing and biogeochemical dynamics in... -
Why keep areas road‐free? The importance of roadless areas.
Roadless and low‐traffic areas are typically large, natural or semi‐natural areas that have no roads or few roads with low‐traffic volume. They are relatively unaffected by... -
Indicador 64: Tendencia en la distribución de los grandes ecosistemas en rela...
Este indicador muestra la tendencia y cambios en la distribución de los grandes ecosistemas (bosques, pastizales, humedales, cultivos, asentamientos y otras tierras), dentro y... -
The effect of roads on edge permeability and movement patterns for small mamm...
Increased edge density is among the main negative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation. Roads are linear infrastructures that may promote barrier effects due to disturbance...