Effects of direct human disturbance on the endemic Iberian frog Rana iberica ...
There is widespread concern about the global decline of amphibians, but little is known about whether and how direct human disturbance might affect populations. The goal of this... -
The presence of rabbits adjacent to roads increases polecat road mortality.
Road mortality is an increasing problem for terrestrial vertebrate conservation due to the increase of both road numbers and vehicle flow. We hypothesize that the probability of... -
Effects of habitat encroachment by roads on space use and movement patterns o...
Roads are a significant cause of habitat fragmentation and a barrier to movement of several species across the world. Terrestrial species with low mobility, low abundance and... -
Large and non-specific bird mortality in a high-speed railway traversing a Sp...
Human activities alter ecosystems where they are built and they frequently shape in the midor long-term their structure and function. Thus, it is essential to know how new... -
Sonic devices effectiveness in keeping wildlife off the road.
Road networks represent a major disturbance for wildlife, and their continued development threat-ens biodiversity. Many mitigation measures show reliable results at reducing... -
An objective approach to select surrogate species for connectivity conservation.
Connected landscapes can increase the effectiveness of protected areas by facilitating individual movement and gene flow between populations, thereby increasing the persistence... -
GDefrag: a graph-based tool to help defragmenting landscapes divided by linea...
Habitat fragmentation is a major biodiversity threat. Linear infrastructures (e.g. roads) hamper the movement of individuals and cause non-natural mortality. Roadkill hotspots... -
How many rodents die on the road? Biological and methodological implications ...
Some small mammal species use road verges as a habitat for sheltering. As a result, their populations suffer mortality from roadkill in an unknown extent. We analysed the road... -
Individual spatial responses towards roads: implications for mortality risk.
Background Understanding the ecological consequences of roads and developing ways to mitigate their negative effects has become an important goal for many conservation... -
Fauna atropellada. El proyecto SAFE evalúa los muestreos.
Fauna atropellada. El proyecto SAFE evalúa los muestreos. -
Distribución y aspectos poblacionales del lobo ibérico (Canis lupus signatus)...
Se estudia la distribución del lobo en la provincia de Lugo (Galicia, NW España). Entre otros aspectos poblacionales también investigaron las causas de mortalidad de 24 lobos... -
Revisión de las medidas correctoras de impactos de las vías de transporte sob...
La fragmentación de hábitats ya se considera la principal causa de pérdida de diversidad biológica en Europa y la problemática se intensifica en las regiones más densamente... -
Response of vertebrate scavengers to power line and road rights-of-way and it...
Linear infrastructures, such as power lines and roads, are an important source of bird mortality. However, little is known on the potential effect of these infrastructures on... -
Ecohidrología: erosión hídrica y dinámica de la vegetación en laderas artific...
Como se ha señalado en varios apartados de este manual, la inestabilidad geomorfológica tiene efec-tos negativos sobre el éxito de la restauración de las laderas construidas (on... -
COVID-19 related travel restrictions prevented numerous wildlife deaths on ro...
COVID-19 related travel restrictions prevented numerous wildlife deaths on roads: a comparative analysis of results from 11 countries. -
Modelo predictivo de accidentes de tráfico con jabalíes y aplicación a la est...
Se estudiaron los 28 lugares donde se produjeron 30 accidentes de tráfico con jabalíes (1997-2002) en un sector de 57 km de longitud de la carretera nacional N-630... -
Accidentes con fauna cinegética en Álava.
En este folleto se resume la problemática del efecto barrera a la migración de los peces que ejerce la construcción de obras de drenaje de dimensiones reducidas o diseño... -
Distribution, status and conservation problems of the wolf Canis lupus in Spain.
The distribution, status and conservation problems of the wolf were studied in 1987 and 1988. The authors recorded 503 human-caused mortality cases, of which shooting was the... -
Road and traffic factors correlated to wildlife–vehicle collisions in Galicia...
Road barrier effect is among the foremost negative impacts of roads on wildlife. Knowledge of the factors responsible for the road barrier effect is crucial to understand and... -
Surveillance de passages de fauna et d'autres ouvrages transversaux aux route...
Surveillance de passages de fauna et d'autres ouvrages transversaux aux routes. Quelles sont les dimensions des ouvrages utilisés pour les petits et moyens mammifères? Palabras...