La comunidad de aves acuáticas del Mar Menor (Murcia, SE España): respuestas ...
Los humedales mediterráneos han sido históricamente esenciales para el desarrollo humano por los múltiples servicios, directos e indirectos, que ofrecen. Son ecosistemas de... -
Implantación de un programa de deshabituación tabáquica para trabajadores del...
Introducción. Es de sobra conocido los efectos adversos sobre la salud del consumo de tabaco. Desde la implantación de la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en 1995,... -
Improving senior tourism in the Mar Menor: an entrepreneurial viewpoint
The senior tourism segment has acquired vital importance in the tourism industry and is characterized by longer stays, less seasonality and greater spending than other segments.... -
Motorway verges: paradise for prey species? A case study with the European ra...
Roads have many effects on the mammal populations of their surroundings. Prey species are thought to establish dense populations in road verges due to a predation release... -
Evidence of a planktonic food web response to changes in nutrient input dynam...
Nutrient input dynamics in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon has recently changed as a consequence of changes in agricultural practises. An interannual comparison of the... -
Restauración ecológica de áreas afectadas por infraestructuras de transporte....
Restauración ecológica de áreas afectadas por infraestructuras de transporte. Bases científicas para soluciones técnicas. Palabras clave: Planificación de las infraestructuras,... -
Apoyo técnico a la gestión sostenible del medio marino. Informe regional 2008.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Handbook of Road Ecology.
Winner of the IENE Project Award 2016. This authoritative volume brings together some of the world’s leading researchers, academics, practitioners and transportation agency... -
Fish assemblages associated with Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera mead...
En el presente estudio se investigaron diversos parametros biol ´ ogicos de las comunidades de peces, principalmente peces ´ juveniles y adultos de especies de talla pequena,... -
Características granulométricas de los depósitos aluviales en el Campo de Car...
Granulometric characteristic of the alluvial formations in the Cartagena field (Spain). The succession semi-arid environmental conditions which have affected the area of... -
The impact of river fragmentation on the population persistence of native and...
The genetic diversity of feral and ranch American mink was studied in order to detect gene flux among rivers, investigate the processes of invasion, and determine the possible... -
Recovery of eutrophized marine ecosystems using the European flat oyster, Ost...
The development of tourism and intensification of agriculture has released large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus into the Mar Menor coastal lagoon in South-east Spain,... -
Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon: a story of colonization and un...
Populations of the Mediterranean fan mussel Pinna nobilis have progressively decreased over the last decades as a result of anthropogenic activities. The rate of decline has... -
Control de uña de león (Carpobrotus spp.; Aizoaceae) en la isla de Tarifa.
Se expone el resultado de los trabajos de control de uña de león (Car pobrotus spp.) realizados en la Isla de Tarifa por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del... -
Decreto-Ley nº 1/2017, de 4 de abril, de Medidas Urgentes Para Garantizar la ...
El Mar Menor es una de las mayores lagunas litorales de Europa y la más grande de la Península Ibérica, con singulares valores ambientales que han determinado su incorporación a... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en carret...
Only data. Road kills: birds 66%, mammals 29%, reptiles 3%, amphibians 1%. Solamente se facilitan datos. Atropellos: aves 66%, mamíferos 29%, reptiles 3%, anfibios 1%. -
Do extrusion ages reflect magma generation processes at depth? An example fro...
The high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks along the Neogene Volcanic Province of SE Spain represent crustal anatectic melts mixed with mantle components during the opening of the... -
Centennial scale reconstruction of metal pollution in Europe's largest saltwa...
The Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) is a critical ecological and socioeconomic ecosystem and the first in Europe to be granted rights of personhood. However, pollution from... -
A systematic review on microplastic pollution in water, sediments, and organi...
Coastal lagoons are transitional environments between continental and marine aquatic systems. Globally, coastal lagoons are of great ecological and socioeconomic importance as... -
GIS methodology for the spatial analysis of wildlife-related traffic accidents.
GIS methodology for the spatial analysis of wildlife-related traffic accidents. Palabras clave: Collision, Fauna, Fauna casualty, Fauna passage, Geographical information...