Seasonal plant development and meadow structure of Irish and southern Spanish...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Programa de seguimiento del estado del Mar Menor. Síntesis de resultados prel...
El informe presenta la actualización de los resultados de seguimiento para las variables: salinidad, temperatura, pH, potencial redox, clorofila a, irradiancia PAR, y... -
El lobo en España: una visión global.
Data on 812 human-related dead wolves in Spain until 1987 were collected: 4.6% of them were run over, being road kills the 4th cause of mortality among the 6 detected. Se... -
Carnivores. Struggling for survival in roaded landscapes.
Carnivores are a diverse group of wildlife that occur in most environments around the world. Large, wide-ranging carnivores play key ecological roles in natural systems. They... -
El lobo en Cantabria.
Causes of mortality of 42 wolves between 1973 and 1981 were investigated: 0 casualties. Between 1985 and 1987 (n=43) only one road casualty was detected. Se investigaron las... -
Wolf response to two kinds of barriers in an agricultural habitat in Spain.
We examined the effect of two kinds of barriers on an expanding gray wolf, Canis lupus L., 1758, population in an agricultural habitat in north-central Spain. The barriers were... -
Growth of the European flat oyster in the Mediterranean Sea (Murcia, SE Spain)
Growth of the natural European flat oyster (Osh-ea edulis L.) spat from the Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) was studied in the Mediterranean Sea over 18 months. The oysters were... -
A GIS methodology for assessing ecological connectivity: application to the B...
We developed a new methodology for the assessment of landscape and ecological connectivity at regional scale. This method has been entirely formalized using mathematical... -
Daños producidos por especies silvestres en accidentes de tráfico.
Daños producidos por especies silvestres en accidentes de tráfico. Palabras clave: Colisión, Coste, Caza, Seguridad vial -
Assesing the impact of best management practices in a highly anthropogenic an...
Las mejores prácticas de gestión (BMP) proporcionan una solución viable para problemas de contaminación de fuentes no localizadas. Los altos rendimientos de sedimentos y... -
Exploring species attributes and site characteristics to assess plant invasio...
Biological invasions are a major component of global change with increasing effects on natural ecosystems and human societies. Here, we aim to assess the relationship between... -
Habitat assessment of a relict brown bear Ursus arctos population in northern...
Habitat quality in the area occupied by the brown bear (Ursus arctos) eastern population in Cantabrican Mountains was assessed, based on radio-tracking locations and bear signs.... -
Contrasting wolf responses to different paved roads and traffic volume levels.
In some regions of the world, large carnivores, such as wolves, persist in landscapes with dense networks of paved roads. However, beyond the general impacts of roads on... -
Beach re-nourishment at Playa de Villananitos, Spain
A beach re-nourishment project has been developed for the Spanish Coastal Authority following guidelines for littoral enhancement set by the Ministry of the Environment's... -
Road maintenance guidelines to improve wildlife conservation and traffic safety.
In recent decades, significant efforts have been made, and a considerable amount of money has been invested in designing and constructing wildlife measures on road networks.... -
Abundance and food-searching intensity of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in ...
Patrones de distribución invernal de los micromamíferos roedores en encinares fragmentados. Palabras clave: Forest, Fragmentation, Mammal, Mouse -
Connectivity between coastal lagoons and sea: Asymmetrical effects on assembl...
Connectivity among marine populations plays a fundamental role in the dynamic of metapopulations and communities. Moreover, genetic connectivity is important for the... -
The combined use of liming and Sarcocornia fruticosa development for phytoman...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effects of liming and behaviour of Sarcocornia fruticosa as a strategy of phytomanagement of metal polluted salt marsh soils.... -
Efectos de la fragmentación sobre el paisaje y la estructura de los encinares...
This work analyses the effects of fragmentation on the landscape, vegetation structure and the vertebrates of Iberian fragmented forests, with particular emphasis on Holm oak... -
Estudio de los procesos erosivos en taludes de infraestructuras lineales en l...
De la revisión de la bibliografía sobre la restauración de taludes construidos sobre materiales no consolidados del entorno Mediterráneo, y posteriormente, de su contraste con...