Predicting wildlife-vehicle collisions using occupancy models.
We suggest using occupancy models in roadkill research assuming occupancy as the probability of individuals using the immediate vicinity of a road section or using it for... -
Biodiversity impacts by multiple anthropogenic stressors in Mediterranean coa...
Mediterranean coastal wetlands are considered biodiversity hot-spots and contain a high number of endemic species. The biodiversity of these ecosystems is endangered by several... -
Effects of leafing and position on nest predation in a mediterranean fragment...
Effects of leafing and position on nest predation in a mediterranean fragmented forest. Palabras clave: Bird, Forest, Fragmentation, Habitat fragmentation -
Las angiospermas marinas.
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
Living on the verge: are roads a more suitable refuge for small mammals than ...
Retaining natural remnant corridors of habitat is a useful and practical conservation tool, which can attenuate the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on wildlife. By... -
Are largescale citizen science data precise enough to determine roadkill patt...
Roads are one of the most transforming linear infrastructures in human-dominated landscapes, with animal road-kills as their most studied impact. Therefore, there is the need to... -
Dominance of small-sized phytoplankton in a Mediterranean eutrophic coastal l...
The predator-prey relationship is generally size-specific in the pelagic food webs. Phytoplankton cell size structure can provide information on the successive levels of... -
Tesis doctoral: Geografía del agua de boca y el saneamiento en el Campo de Ca...
The region of Campo de Cartagena - Mar Menor is located in the Region of Murcia, a space located in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, which features a semi- arid... -
Cultural adaptation to Spanish and assessment of an Adolescent Peer Relations...
Background and objectives: School bullying is a growing problem. The current study is aimed at culturally adapting and assessing the psychometric properties of a brief scale to... -
Role of rhizosphere and soil properties for the phytomanagement of a salt mar...
The goal of this study was to evaluate the soil properties and their modifications within the rhizosphere of spontaneous vegetation as key factors to assess the phy tomanagement... -
Calibration of structure in a distributed forecasting model for a semiarid fl...
Flash floods pose a significant danger for life and property. Unfortunately, in arid and semiarid environment the runoff generation shows a complex non-linear behavior with a... -
When policy implementation failures affect public preferences for environment...
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes that Programme of Measures (PoMs) to manage aquatic ecosystems have to be assessed to determine whether the benefits obtained... -
Assessing groundwater residence time in a highly anthropized unconfined aquif...
Radiocarbon decay is rarely used to assess the residence time of modern groundwater due to the low resolution of its long half-life in comparison to the expected range of ages.... -
On the identification of high mortality rate hotspots.
One of the main tasks in road ecology is to identify hotspots of high mortality so that one can devise and implement mitigation measures. A common strategy to identify hotspots... -
Edges of natural vegetation to increase the diversity of wild bees in agricul...
The transformation of natural ecosystems by the intensification of agriculture has negative effects on bee communities. “Operation Pollinator” aims to increase field... -
Cross-scale changes in bird behavior around a high speed railway: from landsc...
Large-scale transportation infrastructures, such as high-speed railway (HSR) systems, cause changes in surrounding ecosystems, thus generating direct and indirect impacts on... -
Analysis of the Spatial Correlation between Port Areas Configuration and Alte...
Transformations that occur in the coastal territory often have an important link with the construction of port infrastructures, although establishing a direct correlation... -
Mediterranean coastal lagoons review: sites to visit before disappearance
Coastal lagoons are an established priority habitat in the European environment because of the biological communities that inhabit them. Their origin is related to the transport... -
Importance of roadside habitats for biodiversity: what do we know?
In an ever-expanding world, impacts of human activity on the global environment are inevitable. The construction of roads and other linear transport infrastructure leads not... -
Monitoring the marine invasive alien species Rugulopteryx okamurae using unma...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR