New Mediterranean Biodiversity Record
The present work reports on the extended distribution of nineteen species in the Mediterranean. These are: Upeneus pori (Fish:Turkey), Bursatella leachii (Mollusca,... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Collection of data on vertebrate mortality on roads of Cantabria (N Spain). Proportion of deaths among taxa: mammals (50%), birds (38%), reptiles (9%), and amphibians (3%). Most... -
Programa de seguimiento del estado del Mar Menor. Informe de Progreso. Abril ...
El informe aporta información sobre la evolución de una serie de variables básicas de la columna de agua (salinidad, oxígeno, clorofila a, turbidez y potencial redox) para... -
Aplicación de modelos ecológicos conceptuales para identificar indicadores de...
Aplicación de modelos ecológicos conceptuales para identificar indicadores de seguimiento en la laguna costera del Mar Menor (Murcia, España) -
Assessing the risk of extinction for the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the Cor...
Mostly theoretical modelling of the survival possibilities of the Cantabrian brown bear population. -
El colapso ecológico de la laguna del Mar Menor
This work presents a synthesis about the present stage of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon: causes and consequences of the eutrophic status responsible of its actual ecological... -
Efecto barrera: el principio del fin de nuestros mamíferos.
Efecto barrera: el principio del fin de nuestros mamíferos. Palabras clave: Barrera, Mamíferos -
Aves y carreteras: un problema de difícil solución.
Data on bird road kills were recorded in transects of selected busy roads, along with occasional data collected in other roads. All bird groups known to be present were affected... -
Nitrate removal and potential soil N2O emissions in eutrophic salt marshes wi...
Wetlands are highly effective systems mitigating the negative effects of N excess, but at the same time they contribute to global warming through greenhouse gas emissions. The... -
El efecto barrera en vertebrados. Medidas correctoras en las vías de comunica...
The authors compile a broad array of structures to mitigate the barrier effect by infrastructures on vertebrates. This book has an introductory part in which the main effects of... -
Medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de los impactos directos e ...
En el Campo de Gibraltar confluyen factores que otorgan a la comarca una gran potencialidad de desarrollo en el ámbito autonómico, nacional, europeo e intercontinental. Sin... -
Cartografías del declive. Una narración multimedia sobre los territorios del ...
El pasado 12 de octubre de 2019 los periódicos de todo el país se hicieron eco de una noticia que marcaba un antes y un después en la percepción nacional de un problema local:... -
Phytoplankton Distribution in Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon (SE Spain) during 2017
The Mar Menor is a Spanish coastal lagoon of great ecological and economic interest. The agricultural and tourist activities developed in the surroundings of the lagoon,... -
Proyecto de medidas compensatorias correspondientes a la autovía A-381 Jerez ...
In addition to the corrective measures that any linear infrastructure must include in order to mitigate the direct impact it may cause to the environment, the European Union's... -
Temporal pattern of wild ungulate-related traffic accidents in northwest Spain.
Wildlife-related accidents are a serious problem in different countries and describing their temporal pattern allows for the development of measures to mitigate them. We... -
Key connectors in protected forest area networks and the impact of highways: ...
The connectivity of protected area networks depends on key elements located in strategic positions within the landscape, which uphold the ecological fluxes and sustain the... -
Dogs are the main species involved in animal-vehicle collisions in southern S...
Animal-vehicle collisions have become a serious traffic safety issue. Collisions have steadily increased over the last few decades, as have their associated socio-economic... -
Major roads have a negative impact on the tawny owl Strix aluco and the littl...
The increasing road networks threaten ecosystems by direct effects such as increased mortality due to collision with vehicles and by various indirect effects leading to road... -
Efectos de las carreteras sobre la fauna: un enfoque ecológico.
Review of the ecological effects of roads on animals. Direct and indirect habitat loss. Generation of new habitat. Mortality. Effects on ecological processes: disruption of... -
The distribution of vertebrate roadkill varies by season, surrounding environ...
The distribution of vertebrate roadkill varies by season, surrounding environment, and animal class.