Assessing the consistency of hotspot and hot-moment patterns of wildlife road...
Spatial and temporal aggregation patterns of wildlife-vehicle collisions are recurrently used to inform where and when mitigation measures are most needed. The aim of this study... -
Transportation planning and quiet natural areas preservation: aircraft overfl...
Global transportation growth causes several disproportionate impacts on the environment as, for instance, noise pollution which is related to negative effects on human health... -
Spatial patterns of road kills: a case study in Southern Portugal.
Roads promote high levels of animal-vehicle collisions and have one of the most visible man-made impacts on wildlife. In Portugal, SW Europe, very few ecological studies have... -
Indicador 49: Superficie arbolada afectada respecto al tamaño de los incendios
Este indicador tiene como principal objetivo estimar los cambios de la superficie arbolada en España debido a los incendios en función del tamaño de los mismos. -
Testing wild plants seed mixtures along grey infrastructures.
Linear infrastructures, like roads and railways, exist all around the world and spread throughout a great variety of environments. Despite their known negative impacts, these... -
Ley 3/2020, de 27 de julio, de recuperación y protección del Mar Menor
El grave desequilibrio que el estado ecológico del Mar Menor atraviesa en los últimos tiempos es causa de creciente preocupación para el Gobierno regional y para toda la... -
Road verges are refuges for small mammal populations in extensively managed M...
Understanding how roads affect the persistence of animal populations is one of the challenges of road ecology. Small mammals are of great interest on account of their value as... -
Factors influencing vertebrate carcasses retention time on roads: a prelimina...
Monitoring vertebrate roadkills is a task increasingly done in the last decades in order to better evaluate the impact of roads on wildlife. However, these studies usually... -
Habitat selection of the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in cereal steppes o...
Habitat selection of the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in cereal steppes of Central Spain. Palabras clave: Arable land, Habitat, Mouse -
Estudio bionómico de la nutria (Lutra lutra L., 1758) en aguas continentales ...
Causes of death of 54 otters in the NE of Iberian Peninsula were investigated. Data referred to two periods: 1950-1980 and 1981-1993. Road casualties represented 16.7% of total.... -
The influence of traffic noise on vertebrate road crossing through underpasses.
Noise produces multiple effects on ecosystems and it influences habitat use by vertebrates near roads. Thus, it may reduce the effectiveness of mitigation measures installed on... -
Gestión del abastecimiento de agua en una región semiárida: análisis del cons...
La comarca del Campo de Cartagena – Mar Menor es un área de características semiáridas con sequía estructural y donde la carestía de agua ha sido constante en la historia,... -
General versus specific surveys: estimating the suitability of different road...
The use of wildlife road‐crossing structures (WCS hereafter) is less monitored for small mammals than for more emblematic species. Furthermore, because of the undeniable... -
Climate change response of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) using a hydro...
The study of impacts of the global climate change in the coastal lagoons, specially in the Mediterranean region, is an important starting point for all the vulnerability... -
A step back on the conservation of a highly threatened species: opposite sign...
The endemic species Pinna nobilis is the most endangered Mediterranean bivalve, facing nearly extinction all over the Mediterranean Sea, hosting its last reservoirs in highly... -
Environmental and traffic-related factors determining wildlife road-kills thr...
This is the first study focusing on the roadkill of large vertebrates in Mediterranean environments, entailing relevant implications for road safety in this relatively... -
Population Dynamics of Two Resident Fish Species with Contrasting Habitat Pre...
The Mar Menor coastal lagoon is a paradigmatic example of a transitional system under high human disturbance, which in the last years has resulted in occasional fish kill due to... -
Distributional patterns of insectivorous passerines in the iberian forests: d...
Distributional patterns of insectivorous passerines in the iberian forests: does abundance decrease near the border? Palabras clave: Bird, Forest -
Geophysical characterization of the complex dynamics of groundwater and seawa...
Anthropogenic pressure influences the two-way interactions between shallow aquifers and coastal lagoons. Aquifer overexploitation may lead to seawater intrusion, and aquifer... -
Mainstreaming biodiversity in transport infrastructure management in the digi...
Biodiversity objects are to date almost absent from the BIM world. Developing the biodiversity theme in the BIM environment offers unexplored research opportunities with strong...