Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Preliminary report of vertebrate mortality on roads of Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa provinces, N Spain. The frequency distribution of casualties among taxa was: mammals (77%), birds... -
Identification methods and deterministic factors of owl roadkill hotspot loca...
Road fatalities are among the major causes of mortality for Strigiformes species and may affect the population's survival. The use of mitigation strategies must be considered to... -
LIFE SAFE-CROSSING: a new international project for preventing large carnivor...
The presence of roads has a significant impact on wildlife conservation, since it is as an important cause of direct mortality of individuals as well as a factor of habitat... -
Zonas Especialmente Protegidas de Importancia para el Mediterráneo (ZEPIM)
Las Zonas Especialmente Protegidas de Importancia para el Mediterráneo, son un conjunto de espacios costeros y marinos protegidos que garantizan la pervivencia de los valores y... -
Spatio-temporal impacts of roads on the persistence of populations: analytic ...
Roads can have drastic impacts on wildlife populations. Although there is wide recognition of the negative impacts caused by roads and a wealth of practical studies, there is a... -
Relationship between heavy metal distribution in sediment samples and their e...
Many studies assessing the quality of sediments and their pollution impact use monitoring data consisting predominantly of chemical indicators. Recently, ecotoxicity estimates... -
Presence and distribution of current-use pesticides in surface marine sedimen...
The spatial and seasonal distributions of current-use pesticides (CUPs), including triazines, organophosphorus pesticides, and tributylphosphate, were characterized in surface... -
Global impact of roads on carnivores: which species and where?
Carnivores have life histories that can render them susceptible to roads, such as low population growth rates and great mobility. However, little is known about the effect of... -
La gente es consumidora de mitos…El mito turístico del Mar Menor
El objetivo de este trabajo se concreta en un intento por hacer recobrar la memoria e invitar a utilizar la experiencia, con el único propósito de evitar o mitigar buena parte... -
Maintenance of ecological asset on transport infrastructure: new chapter in t...
Long-term preservation of the functions of ecological assets in transportation infrastructure requires new multidisciplinary approaches in traditional road and railway operation... -
Informe de síntesis sobre el estado actual del Mar Menor y sus causas en rela...
Trata temas como: 1) Evolución del ecosistema marino lagunar y 2) Causas de la crisis ecológica del Mar Menor -
Plan de empresa para un complejo turístico en La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
El presente trabajo fin de carrera tiene el objetivo de analizar la creación y explotación de un complejo residencial de lujo para personas mayores de 55 años, ubicada en la... -
Presencia de Millerigobius macrocephalus en el Mediterráneo occidental, con n...
Millerigobius macrocephalijs ha sido señalado con anterioridad en el Adriático y en el Mediterráneo oriental, sobre fondos rocosos infralitorales. Un número relativamente... -
Hoja de ruta para la recuperación del Mar Menor
En este informe se incluyen medidas inmediatas de competencia del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, con la finalidad de paliar la situación de deterioro. Junto a ello, se... -
Las infraestructuras lineales y su efecto barrera sobre los vertebrados.
Review of the barrier effect of infrastructures (in a broad sense, including roads, railways, power lines, dams, and canals) on vertebrates with emphasis on the scarce Spanish... -
Mechanisms underlying the road effects on owls: move towards mitigation.
The negative effects of roads on wildlife are recognized as important contributors to the global biodiversity crisis but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood, a... -
Spatial analysis of amphibian road mortality levels in northern Portugal coun...
Animal mortality caused by vehicle collisions is one of the main ecological impacts of roads. Amphibians are the most affected group and road fatalities have a significant... -
Long Term Hydrodynamic Effects in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Multilayer Aquife...
The Mediterranean basin contains many semi-arid environments where aquifers are subject to intensive exploitation, generally to meet irrigation demands. The Campo de Cartagena... -
Overcoming the barrier effect of roads - How effective are mitigation strateg...
Roads, railways and other linear infrastructure are pervasive components of most landscapes throughout the world. Combined with the effect of vehicles, they have the potential... -
Programa de seguimiento del estado del Mar Menor. Informe parcial de resultad...
El informe presenta la actualización de los resultados de seguimiento para las variables: salinidad, temperatura, pH, potencial redox, clorofila a, irradiancia PAR, y...