Animal-vehicle collisions: a new cooperative strategy is needed to reduce the...
Animal-vehicle collisions are a major issue for traffic safety. Despite the measures applied to reduce the conflict, the numbers of accidents involving wildlife are still... -
Long-term sediment records reveal over three thousands years of heavy metal i...
Este trabajo revisa la evolución espacio-temporal de los principales metales pesados de esta laguna costera a partir de datos de 272 muestras de sedimentos superficiales... -
Fragmentación de bosques y selección de hábitat de un oso pardo (Ursus arctos...
A male bear (Ursus arctos) from the small population living in the Cantabrican Mountains was tracked in a fragmented landscape with 29% forest left. This individual was located... -
Influence of separating home range and dispersal movements on characterizing ...
Understanding connectivity patterns in relation to habitat fragmentation is essential to landscape management. However, connectivity is often judged from expert opinion or... -
Mountain roads and non-native species modify elevational patterns of plant di...
We investigated patterns of species richness and community dissimilarity along elevation gradients using globally replicated, standardized surveys of vascular plants. We asked... -
A model for assessing habitat fragmentation caused by new infrastructures in ...
The aim of the present work is to design a model for evaluating the impact of planned infrastructures on species survival at the territorial scale by calculating a connectivity... -
Regiones Biogeográficas Terrestres y Regiones Marinas
Las Regiones biogeográficas muestran la extensión de las áreas con características climáticas, orográficas y geobotánicas comunes. La Directiva Hábitat establece siete regiones... -
Stakeholder analysis and prioritization of management measures for a sustaina...
Agricultural and urban activities over the last decades have caused an environmental degradation of the social-ecological system of the Mar Menor, compromising the ecosystem... -
Eutrofización y contaminación por residuos mineros en humedales del Mar Menor...
En este capítulo se resumen los resultados de diversos experimentos realizados con suelos (afectados y no afectados por residuos de minería) y plantas procedentes de dos... -
Consideraciones geomorfológicas e hidrológicas.
Consideraciones geomorfológicas e hidrológicas. -
Efecto de la autopista AP-51 sobre los niveles de estrés fisiológico en pobla...
Efecto de la autopista AP-51 sobre los niveles de estrés fisiológico en poblaciones naturales de ratón de campo (Apodemus sylvaticus) Palabras clave: Carretera, Dinámica de la... -
Conservation status and farmland requirements of pin-tailed sandgrouse Pteroc...
It is discussed how agricultural practices and, consequently, changes in land use influence the distribution of sandgrouse species. -
Informe de Sostenibilidad Ambiental - Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de...
Informe de Sostenibilidad Ambiental - Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de San Javier -
Phosphorus and nitrogen content in the water of a coastal wetland in the mar ...
A study has been conducted in a salt marsh, located in the coast of the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain), in which three watercourses overflow. Water samples were regularly collected... -
Bases ecológicas para convivir con los incendios forestales en la Región Medi...
Bases ecológicas para convivir con los incendios forestales en la Región Mediterránea: decálogo. -
Biotreatment and production of value-added products from waste algal biomass
The rapidly increasing world population and industrialization are causing severe threats to environment and public health. Therefore, various treatment methods are used to treat... -
Combining radon, short-lived radium isotopes and hydrodynamic modeling to ass...
In highly anthropized watersheds, surface water tributaries may carry unexpected high quantities of radon and radium to coastal lagoons. Investigating submarine groundwater... -
Railway ecology vs. road ecology: similarities and differences.
Railway ecology is an emerging discipline. In this review, we focus on what is known today regarding the impacts of railways on wildlife, and on the methods to identify,... -
La simbiosis algal en Elysia timida Risso 1818. Primeros resultados
Se presentan los primeros datos acerca de la simbiosis del opistobranquio sacogloso Elysia timida, relativamente abundante en la zona litoral del Mediterráneo ibérico y muy... -
Patrones de distribución invernal de los micromamíferos roedores en encinares...
Patrones de distribución invernal de los micromamíferos roedores en encinares fragmentados. Palabras clave: Bosque, Fragmentación, Mamíferos, Roedores