Murcia: avances normativos para la protección del Mar Menor
Murcia: avances normativos para la protección del Mar Menor - Dialnet … Murcia: avances normativos para la protección del Mar Menor … -
Valoración de la situación del Mar Menor - 28 marzo de 2018
Valoración de la situación del Mar Menor - 28 marzo de 2018 -
Sistemas de Polinúcleos Sostenibles (SPS). Estrategias de Redensificación de ...
El futuro de nuestras ciudades se determinará por los procesos de regeneración y mejora del tejido urbano, proponiendo nuevos patrones que favorezcan una transformación hacia... -
Partial crustal melting beneath the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain): The case stu...
The Neogene Volcanic Province (NVP) within the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain) consists of three main metapelitic enclave suites (from SW to NE: El Hoyazo, Mazarrón and Mar Menor).... -
Are motorway wildlife passages worth building? Vertebrate use of road-crossin...
Numerous road and railway construction projects include costly mitigation measures to offset the barrier effect produced on local fauna, despite the scarcity of data on the... -
Site identification and discharge measurements through Mobile Crowdsensing in...
Hydrological models need continuous streamflow data for calibration, however these data are not always available due to the lack of monitoring stations or properly functioning... -
Partially Melted Crustal Xenoliths as a Window into Sub-Volcanic Processes: E...
Crustal xenoliths from the Neogene Volcanic Province (NVP) of the Betic Cordillera, SE Spain, constitute an unusual suite of high-grade melt-bearing metapelitic rocks derived in... -
Combined Impacts of Medium Term Socio-Economic Changes and Climate Change on ...
Climate projections agree on a dryer and warmer future for the Mediterranean. Consequently, the region is likely to face serious problems regarding water availability and... -
Impacto de dos tipos de barreras sobre una población de lobos.
Hemos analizado la influencia de dos tipos de barreras sobre una población de lobos en un área agrícola de Castilla y León. Las barreras son: 1) La autovía A-6, de 4 carriles,... -
Factores que afectan a la subestimación diferencial de las colisiones de aves...
El conteo de cadáveres infravalora la tasa de colisión de aves debido a tres fuentes de sesgo: detección imperfecta, retirada de cadáveres por carroñeros y dispersión de... -
La mortalitat d’animals salvatges a les carreteres de les Balears: estudi pil...
Roadkills were identified and counted in a physiographically uniform area in the island of Mallorca. The transects involved a limited selection of roads spanning a wide... -
Indicador 16: Número de especies silvestres con plan de acción por grupo taxo...
Este indicador tiene el objetivo principal de disponer de las variables básicas relativas a los planes de acción aprobados para la conservación y recuperación de las especies... -
Identification of strategic corridors for restoring landscape connectivity: a...
The conservation or creation of ecological corridors is a key to support species persistence in fragmented landscapes. However, little guidance exists on where to concentrate... -
An appropriate language for an expansive streamlined defragmentation in Spain.
A specific language scheme has been successfully implemented as the basis for a collaborative, coherent and streamlined action process for habitat defragmentation in Spain. As a... -
El plan de manejo del lince en el Parque Nacional de Doñana. Memoria recapitu...
Since late 1982 until february 1998, 63 Iberian lynx were found dead or injured in Doñana and surrounding areas. In 19 cases car casualties was the cause of mortality, and in... -
Magnitude, composition and spatiotemporal patterns of vertebrate roadkill at ...
Although roadkill studies on a large scale are challenging, they can provide valuable information to assess the impact of road traffic on animal populations. Over 22 months... -
The road to success and the fences to be crossed: considering multiple infras...
The road to success and the fences to be crossed: considering multiple infrastructure in landscape connectivity modelling. -
The impact of marine pollution on the probability of business failure: A case...
The impact of coastal water quality and its interaction with business results is still an unexplored field. This study uses a probit model and estimates marginal effects to... -
Wildlife–vehicle collision mitigation: Is partial fencing the answer? An agen...
Evaluating management options for mitigating the impacts of wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVC) is a major goal for road ecology. Fencing along roads in conjunction with the... -
Mitigation of barrier effect of linear infrastructures on wildlife.
The permeabilisation of linear infrastructures is essential to mitigate the fragmentation that new infrastructures cause on wildlife populations. Although in some locations...